We Should Take No Lessons To Moderate As A Party Because Our Values Did NOT Lose
Hi and thanks for reading. I am writing to join up and try to build for the next cycle and beyond, and in doing so I want to make several observations. First-in Arkansas support for gay marriage was at...
View ArticleAnatomy Of An Electoral Assassination-Arkansas (It's The Social Security Stupid)
One of my favorite activities in the aftermath of an election is to review polling trends leading up to the event. Usually, there are breaks one way or another as people decide, and in Arkansas's case,...
View ArticleWhy The Polls Were Off-MY Firsthand Story OF Voter Suppression
I went on a video rant because in some ways, I thought that something more visceral could get my point across better-but my story is the story of perhaps millions, languishing in the electoral limbo...
View ArticleYour Meat May Contain Up TO 20 Percent OF A Solution-OR A Problem
Reminding why of how much depth is at Daily Kos is mrsgoo, who penned a very illuminating diary about mystery meats sold at Target. The diary scratches the surface of a larger problem in our food...
View ArticleWhy Obama Can't Get Clinton Credit, Even With Clintonian Results
One of my favorite pastimes as a political junkie is to research what I like to call revisionist nostalgia. This is the sort of thing where a person talks to me about the good ol' days of this or that...
View ArticleOn Bernie Sanders-Remember How Goldwater Won The 1964 General, In 1980
Bernie Sanders is a true blue American political hero. He is the best, most New Deal loyal Democrat we have, and it says much for the current state of the party that he is not even a Democrat. Now we...
View ArticleOne Quote Explains Why Justice Suffocates-"They All Need To Be Put Down Like...
Looking at some the comment boards with regards to the Michael Brown case, I am simply stone cold stunned at the brazenness with which some St. Louis area whites are exhibiting their unrepentant...
View ArticleThe Shortest But Most Acidic Comeback To A Fundraising Pitch You Have Read In...
After looking at some Netflix, I checked my email and found a pitch from Debbie Wasserman Schultz to help out Mary Landrieu. This is what it read as-The 2014 election isn't over yet, Todd.The final...
View ArticleThe ONE Fact That Should Make You Shudder About Michael Brown Case
There is only one question to ask-is it now perfectly legal to empty a clip into an unarmed African American teen? Answer-yes.The one fact that should send chills up your spine is this: There is no...
View ArticleMichael Brown and Eric Duncan Were Human Beings, And They Mattered
I did not know Michael, and I can't say if I have ever known a kid like him. I don't know if he was a video gamer and like to sew for instance. I don't know if he had a significant other or was focused...
View ArticleOn Ferguson-Hey You Know What Would Be Great?
With a nod to the classic movie, Office Space.Hey, you know what would be great?Everyone is like, saying, you know, we have a whole bunch of confusing evidence in the Ferguson case. Some say Brown...
View ArticleWhat Happens When People Realize 911 Can Be A Remote Execution Button?
One of the things that most stands out to me about recent police shootings, are the 911 calls. In Ohio, we have John Crawford being sent to his death by cops who had no interest in de-escalating, and...
View ArticleAutopsy Details Spell Trouble For Wilson-Remind The DOJ
This is going to be a short diary, with a video detailing the screenshots, with an attempt at summary.First, Wilson claims in GJ testimony that Brown was inside the vehicle struggling for his gun at...
View ArticleSt. Louis Bar Boycotts Rams Over Hands Up Protest
A bar that I am quite familiar with, Time OUT Sports Bar and Grill, has made the idiotic move of abandoning allegiances to the St. Louis Rams, and instead, aligning with the Kansas City Chiefs.This is...
View ArticleWe're F*cked, Period. Citizens To No Longer Have Spy-Free Private Communications
Normally when I see headlines like,Breaking: Congress Passes Bill Giving Police Unlimited Access to Citizens’ Private Communications I consider the source, however the source in this case is Michigan...
View ArticleIt's Time, Senator Warren-An Open Letter
Honorable Madame Senator,There comes a point in all of our lives where our vision for ourselves collides with the destiny we were chosen for. Senator Elizabeth Warren, the reluctant statesperson, the...
View ArticleCreed's Scott Stapp Accused By Wife Of Wanting To Kill President
Troubled rock singer Scott Stapp, the lead vocalist of the derivative, dare I say even Pearl Jam copycat band Creed, has been accused of thinking he is a CIA agent on assignment to assassinate the...
View ArticleI Am Voting For Elizabeth Warren For President-Whether She Runs Or Not
I am voting for Liz for President, because for once I finally pumped my fist hearing a politician speak.I am voting for Liz for President, because this woman has lived and struggled on Main Street.I am...
View ArticleInglorious Basterds, Muslims, and The Cancer Of Rationalization
With Hunter's eloquent, yet distressing explanation of America's slide into inhumanity, I am reminded of how easily this country truly is being duped into going down the same path as Nazi Germany....
View ArticleMovie Chains Threatened With 9-11 Over Seth Rogen Film, The Interview
According to numerous sources, the so called "Guardians of Peace" have gone so far to tell people even living near a movie theater that they had better leave if said theater is playing The Interview....
View ArticleFour Major Theater Chains Pull Plug On The Interview, Setting Dangerous...
While I have discussed at great length my disdain for the whole Apatow Frat Pack, and in particular Seth Rogen, the fact is the movie was made. Once the movie was made, distribution agreements signed,...
View ArticleMichael Brown Punched Through Wilson's Cruiser
That is the only conclusion I can draw from the official St. Louis County autopsy report that shows Brown's flesh being found on the outside of the cruiser. Continued..
View ArticlePhysical Evidence-Michael Brown Blood Splatter Shows Staggering, Not Charging
This is very short and to the point, because if you look at the blood splatter you see evidence of a zig zag pattern, not a straight line bull rush. Seen here- Now we know that the blood covers 22...
View Article#Antonio Martin Might Have Pointed A Gun, But Keep Your Eye On The Ball
One of the key elements of good journalism, is a refusal to create a narrative, and instead simply report accurate facts. That is it. Facts. That is the one, and only objective one should have in the...
View ArticleNew Ebola Case Confirmed In Glasgow
A new case of Ebola in a female health aid worker was confirmed by Scottish authorities on Monday.In a statement the Scottish government said the patient was a healthcare worker who was helping to...
View ArticleHow Tootie Is Destroying Facebook And Good Riddance
Like many of you, I was on facebook. I have been for some time, probably dating back to 2008. Not really sure. But through waves of virtual friends, who were rarely anything other than strangers with...
View ArticleDangerous Situation Unfolding At STL Metro PD Protest-NEW-Cop Caught...
Courtesy of Deray Mckesson, a live and absolutely stunning Twitter feed of police brutality at a St. Louis Metro PD protest. Here is a sample..The officers inside of the Metro PD surrounded us with...
View ArticleIf A Woman Needs It, Should She Be Spanked?
One of the megamyths that most infuriate me is this persistent longing for the "idyllic" 50s. You know, Bobbie Socks, poodle skirts, two strawed milkshakes, and Elvis. We are told, that it was perfect....
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